FAQ - Physical Therapy

  • Do I need a prescription or physician’s referral?

    A prescription or referral is NOT required for you to be seen in our practice. You can call us to make an appointment right now.

    Having quick and immediate access to your physical therapist can often be the difference between an acute versus chronic condition.

    You do not need to wait a week or more to receive care with us. We often have appointments available same day or within 48hrs.

    We encourage you to call us immediately if you experience an injury, have a problem you want us to help you solve, an upcoming activity you are concerned you may not be able to participate in or…

    You have decided you no longer want to deal with pain and are tired of waiting for it to go away.

  • What to expect from a visit?

    Every one of our patient’s is treated by a tailored plan unique to them. We address the whole body and not solely the area that hurts. Our goal is to identify the root cause(s) of the problem and why it is important to you that we fix this issue. You will be prescribed a specific treatment which is designed to address the problems responsible for your pain and symptoms and help you return to a more active life.

    Physical therapy is not a quick fix and you should expect to put in some work. People do however tend to feel some relief within their first few visits. Most people able to experience a degree of improvement within 3-5 treatments and we typically have more work following a reduction in pain and symptoms. Our goal is to make you stronger and more resilient to give you the tools to stop and prevent this from happening again.

    It is impossible to predict the number of visits you will need as everyone is facing unique challenges. Our typical patient is seen 1 time per week for 8-10 visits total. We will have a better idea specifically once you are seen in the clinic. This is why we offer a FREE Discovery Visit , so you get a clear understanding of what’s going on and what the best course of action would be before you commit to becoming our patient.

    Every patient is taught how to treat themselves at home or in the gym with the strategies we show you during our sessions. You will receive a personalized program of treatment and long-term prevention of your condition so you can stay fit, healthy, and mobile without needing pain medication, surgery, or injections.

  • Do I need to be seen in person?

    We have been helping patient get mazing results in-person for years. We do offer digital treatments. Yes, there are some conditions where seeing you in person will be helpful. There are also many conditions where seeing you through our secure video platform can still help you get 100% of the results you expect.

    During your initial visit we will make the recommendations and give you a plan of care that is based on specifically on your needs and goals. If you would prefer a mix of in-person and digital care, please let us know. Please feel free to discuss any concerns with your therapist at your initial visit because we hare here to guide you towards the best results possible.

  • What should I wear?

    For physical therapy patients, it is important to have access to visibly examine, palpate, and treat the body. Movement and exercise is absolutely going to be a factor in your treatment. You should wear comfortable athletic clothing and shoes as if you were going to workout.

  • What is out-of-network? Most of our patients have insurance!

    Our mission is to provide you with every possible resource and treatment within our ability to ensure you get the most effective and tailored care possible. We ensure you get 100% of treatment that is 1-on-1 with a doctor of physical therapy with a plan developed strictly between you and your therapist.

    To do this, we must be out of network as insurance providers often put barriers to what treatments we can provide, how many visits they will cover. It is important to know that insurance does not reimburse therapists well leading to many in-network clinics to require double bookings or significant use of techs to provide a majority of care. It is not that these clinicians are not great, but they are often overbooked and fatigued trying to keep the clinic afloat. To avoid this, to provide you the highest care, to give you our 100%, we must be out-of-network.

    During your initial call or discovery visit we will discuss prices/packages and determine together what would best serve you. These services do have the ability for you to submit a claim to your insurance provider for reimbursement. We can provide you a superbill (a PT receipt with the necessary coding) upon request for you to submit the claim to your insurance. Insurances can be stingy and we cannot promise that they will reimburse you unfortunately.

  • How do I submit a claim to my insurance?

    First, please request a superbill from your therapist. This is a medically coded receipt that insurance will likely need to process the claim.

    Secondly, follow this guide on how to submit the claim to your insurance provider for possible reimbursement.